What is PHP ?

PHP is an acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”.
PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language.
PHP scripts are executed on the server.
PHP is free to download and use.

It is powerful enough to be at the core of the biggest blogging system on the web (WordPress).
It is deep enough to run the largest social network (Facebook).
It is also easy enough to be a beginner’s first server side language.

What is a PHP File?

PHP files can contain text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code
PHP code are executed on the server, and the result is returned to the browser as plain HTML
PHP files have extension “.php”

What Can PHP Do?

PHP can generate dynamic page content
PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
PHP can collect form data
PHP can send and receive cookies
PHP can add, delete, modify data in your database
PHP can be used to control user-access
PHP can encrypt data
With PHP you are not limited to output HTML. You can output images, PDF files, and even Flash movies. You can also output any text, such as XHTML and XML.

PHP Books(PDF) :

  1. PHP and MySQL, Web Development
  2. Material Prepared by Harivandana College
  3. PHP Tutorials of (Tutorials Point)

Separate Material [Topic Wise] :

  1. PHP Operators
  2. PHP String Functions
  3. GET & POST Variables
  4. PHP Settype & Gettype
  5. PHP Call by Value
  6. My SQL Connection with PHP
  7. Data Base Connectivity
  8. Array Functions
  9. File Handling
  10. PHP Sessions
  11. PHP Set Cookies
  12. PHP Examples
  13. PHP Regular Expressions
  14. PHP Regular Expressions Examples
  15. Storage Engine
  16. Number Validation (Demo Example)
  17. File Handling (Demo Examples)
  18. Regular Expression (Demo Examples)


The material and content in this blog is prepared by some expertise faculty in their own field and also taken from the Web Sites which are available on the internet.